Thursday, March 20, 2008

Make my day, (furry) punk!

Recently we had a visit from a wee furry friend in the house. I managed to chase it around the kitchen and out the door to the back garden. Mrs Pluto promptly ordered me over to B&Q to get a mousetrap. I was amazed at the variety of ways of catching the wee blighters. One humane trap stated that when the mouse was caught it should be released at least 1km from the house! I just wanted to get rid of the mouse, not take it for a drive in the country. I didn’t want to befriend it, just terminate it. So, it was one small rodent versus one homo sapient with attitude and technology. There was only going to be one outcome – and it was not David and Goliath Part 2. If you want to see what happened click here, but it’s not for the squeamish.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I sometimes do a spot of blogging in school - during my break and lunchtime (just in case my Principal somehow finds this blog and becomes an avid fan!). However, the school has raised the level of security on the system and now I cannot access Blogger. Is this mean, or what? Wait a minute! Maybe the Principal has come across my blog, doesn't like it and has changed the filters on the school computer network .....

..... It's OK, Boss, I'll get the School Development Plan finished right away!!